There will be 13 bands involve in this event. Each band need to pay RM 60 to cover all the rental i.e. space and music equipment. Profit and loss from this event will be shared equally. Via this, all bands will take part and giving ideas to make the event success as well learning the concept of planning, organizing, leading and controlling a project.
On 24 December a day before Christmas, music fans and 13 local bands strolled into Tunestone Studio Klang for an intimate show organized by Imagica Music Community.
The 13 local bands were The Melodies, Miura, Round robin, Radioflyer, Lydias’s Diery, Maximus, Abstrak Hingga Ke Bulan, Cili, In Curl, Fedora, Marionexxes, Sonic Mush and special appearance from Ipoh, The Hans.
Started at 2.30 pm, the gig kicked off with opening acts by The Melodies with their 70’s rock n roll music and appearance. The band was really stunning bringing their 4 Malay songs, originally composed by them.
The show continued. It was Round Robin to rock the crowds. Sing 2 Malay songs and 2 English songs, the band sounds like Gorillaz and Pretty Ugly.
When Miura comes on stage, the hall was full with crowds. This band sounds like Muse and Radiohead. They started to perform, and at the end of the first song, the 2nd guitarist, Pejai realized that his guitar is not functioning. Thank God, Pejai realized it earlier. If not, he might continue ‘gigging’ without realize his guitar cable was not put into the guitar amp. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
“Okay, introduce the next band, Radiohead Malaysia…. RADIOFLYER!!!!!!” shout-out by the MC for that day, Zarul of Abstrak Hingga Ke Bulan.
Radioflyer came onto stage and took some time setting up their instruments. Wooooowww!!!!! They damn so good!!! It was totally Rock N Roll. Both guitarists were very good in controlling guitar sounds. Crowds seem to enjoy their performance regardless boys or girls…… fuhhhh!!!!!
The organizer band, Marionexxes standby to rock the stage. As usual, their guitarist, Paul will Berkaki Ayam and jump like Ayam Kena Sembelih. Not only that, his hair style also liked Ayam Sabung. Hehehehehehe…… The off beat singing by Piko plus Ayam Kena Sembelih by Paul was just an excellent combination to attract the crowds. You rock Marionexxes!!!!!!!!!
In Curl, Sonic Mush, and Abstrak Hingga Ke Bulan continue to rock the show. Most crowds seem tired and they hang out outside the hall. It was damn so hot inside the hall. Imagine, with only 2 air conditioners inside the hall try to cover almost 110 people inside the hall.
It was already 7 pm. The show stop for a moment to respect Maghrib. The show continued after 15 minutes with Fedora Band. The front man for this band is a girl….. Cute girl!!!!! Yummmmmm!!!!! This band create back happening atmosphere probably because of the cute girl. Hahahahaha!!!!! They perform 3 cover songs and one their own song.
Next band after Fedora was Maximus. It was Miji (Flop Poppy)’s side band project with Apex (Ex Muffin Band) who formed this band. This band sounds like gothic Malay band. A powerful voice from Apex combines with charismatic guitar sounds from Miji creates an atmosphere of Fantasy, Romance and it was awesome!!!
“This gig is actually our second show. Thanks to the organizers who invite us” said Miji.
The gig ended with Cili bringing their ska and punk music.
After Cili finished perform, all bands gather together to take pictures. It was a really great moment when old timer bands shared same stage together with newcomer bands. Hopefully there will be more show like this in the future.
Indeed, we need ALL supports to save our music!!!
Thanks to who participates towards the event!!!!!!